SARS Tax practitioner No: PR0029497 (old: PR762C997)

IRBA firm practice number: 903738    |    SAICA Registration number: 04923932

Tax Advisory & Compliance

Expert tax advisory

Our tax advisory and compliance services are designed to help our clients navigate the complex and ever-changing world of tax laws and regulations. Our team of experienced tax advisors provides expert guidance on tax planning, compliance, and reporting to help our clients minimize their tax liabilities and maximize their profits. We understand that tax laws and regulations can be daunting, and our goal is to help our clients stay compliant with all relevant tax laws and regulations while minimizing their tax burden.

Corporate tax

We assist our clients in calculating the profits earned for the financial period, while advising on how best to structure their submission.

Individual tax

We assist our clients with calculating their personal income tax liability and effectively structuring their submission.

Value-added Tax (VAT)

We assist clients with VAT calculations, submissions and returns.

Pay as you earn (PAYE)

We assist our clients with the management and calculation of their PAYE, including submissions to SARS.

Capital gains tax (CGT)

We assist clients in the calculation of their CGT, ensuring that they have structured and submitted correctly.

Corporate tax return review and preparation

We assist our clients with gathering all necessary financial information, completing the tax return form, and ensuring compliance with all tax laws and regulations.

Tax provision calculations

Tax provision calculations are an estimate of the tax liability a company will face in a given financial year. We help clients ensure that their company sets aside enough money to meet its tax obligations.

Tax effect accounting calculations

We help our clients determine the impact of tax on a company’s financial statements, ensuring that all tax liabilities are accounted for.

Tax depreciation register

We help our clients build a record of the depreciation of assets used by their company for tax purposes. This is used to calculate the tax-deductible depreciation expense and ensure compliance with all tax laws and regulations.

Tax consolidation entry and exit calculations

This involves calculating the tax impact of entering or exiting a group of companies. This is important when a company acquires or disposes of subsidiaries or when there are changes in the company’s ownership structure.

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